OK. I know it has been forever. I have had many things to 'blog' about but for one reason or the other I just have not done it.
Today has been long. The weather has been awful. It has been dark and dreary for two days. Rain, rain go away! Kid's have been stuck in the house and they have trashed the place. I will say that they have gotten along really good. They have actually worked and played together almost all day! Impressive for Mr. Oil and Little Miss Water.
We went to church this morning. Surprisingly there was a packed house. I guess I was not the only one with cabin fever. We went out to a real restaurant for lunch afterwards! All four of us. That rarely happens.
I should have done more today. I could've cleaned a drawer or two. I did clean my bathroom countertop and cut coupons for the coupon swap. That is really it. Oh, I switched pocketbooks. I went ahead and switched to my Spring pocketbook. I know it is a week early but it is done. If anyone wants to fuss with me about it they can have at it.
Princess E is hooked on "The Quiet Game". Every time we turn around she wants to play. Too bad she can't win. She can't be still or be quiet. It must be a three year old thing. She is always moving or talking about something.
Almost time for bed and I can't wait!
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