Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Don't ya Hate it When...
Yesterday my 5 year old was at school having circle time. Please note that he has had a loose tooth for about 3 weeks. This is his first loose tooth EVER. I have politely begged him to try and get the tooth out while at home and I was with him. But he politely said no and I let it be. I just knew the tooth would come out at home. Low and behold he was at school yesterday and the thing fell out while he was sitting at circle time with his class. Now, I was heart broken. I was wanting to be there. To top things off...I was the last one to find out that the tooth had come out. The LAST ONE!! I was HOT (at no one, just HOT) to say the least. But when I was picking him up for school he looked so cute. The teacher had given him a tooth necklace (the tooth opens up to hold the lost tooth) and a sticker announcing the occasion. They made a HUGE deal about it at school and he was happy as can be. He went on to tell me that he was the only one in his class to ever loose a tooth at school. SO...I guess it all worked out. Maybe I will be with him when the next one falls out.
Monday, October 20, 2008
I know this only because Johnny went and had lunch with him at school. No, Johnny was not there when the tooth came out. The tooth came out while the class was sitting on the carpet for circle time, or whatever they do. Johnny said he thinks it was a big deal for the class. Something about they made him a necklace or something. I will find out more after I wait in the pick up line for an hour to get him from school.
Yes, I am ticked off. I have been waiting for that tooth to come out. It was loose for 3 weeks. I have tried and tried to get Eli to pull it out. Of course he wanted none of that. I have spent all these years being a stay at home Mom so I would not miss any these special events in my kids life's. This was his first tooth to come out. There will not be another first.
Friday, October 10, 2008
HAPPY At Nonna's
Here are some reason why it is a good picture...
1- They are both IN the picture.
2- They are not hurting one another.
3- They are both looking in the same direction.
4- They are both pretty clean.
5- They both have on decent outfits.
7- They are both HAPPY!!!!
Still The First Day of School
Man he was tired when he got home. I asked him what he did during the day and he said, "Nothing."
E First Day III
E with his teacher getting his lunch card
He would not say bye to me. It was like I was not even there. Not a good picture. But they are the Busy Bee's in Room 503!
E First Day of school II
E has no clue I am standing in the hall. I wanted to make sure he made it to his class. He never saw me! He looks a little lost but the teacher pointed him in the right direction. I still can't believe I let him ride the bus the first day. He wanted to really badly. Since Southern Belle was going to be with him and she has an older brother I thought he would be fine. Sure enough he was. My nerves were still rather shot.
This is a little hard to explain. If you notice in the door there is a little reflection. That is from his backpack! You can see the back of his shoe close to the floor. He was moving so fast I could not get the picture on time. Plus I was moving too. Trying to stay out of his sight... He turned around to take his bag in his cubby. I did not care if he saw me now. He had made it on his own to class. The thing is, he did not want me there. He barely said anything to me. He went on about his business. He went straight to his seat and started his morning work. He will never say it but I think he was nervous too.
E First day of School
E, e & Southern Belle (also a kindergartner) Family shot
Bus arrives and E crosses the street to embark on his first day of school!
Yes, I followed the bus that day to school. I actually raced the bus. I wanted to get there first so I could make sure he made it to his class OK.